Everett Thoreson Endowed Scholarship
Everett Thoreson was a regular kind of guy—hardworking, loyal to his friends, faithful to his church, supportive of the church softball team. Living life without a lot of fanfare, he was still exceptional in many ways. He lived simply and took his Christian stewardship seriously. He was an active member of Calvary Lutheran Church in Rio Linda, California, for many years. And he enjoyed music and served on the committee that selected an Allen organ for the church sanctuary.
Born in North Dakota, Everett was the youngest of seven children. He came to California in 1952 and soon became employed by WEMCO Pumps in Sacramento. During his 40 years with WEMCO, Everett held several different positions in production, personnel and marketing. He spent the last 20 years of his career in customer service.
Everett had a lifelong love of athletics, particularly softball, and was involved wholeheartedly with the church’s softball team. As Everett began to ponder the ultimate use of his investments with Lutheran Brotherhood (the precursor to Thrivent Financial Services), his thoughts turned to the possibility of establishing a scholarship for students at the local high school and a scholarship at the nearest Lutheran university. In conjunction with his Lutheran Brotherhood agent and CLU’s development office, Everett reached the decision that set the Everett Thoreson Endowed Scholarship in motion.
In his estate plan Everett divided his earthly goods between two scholarship funds, one at Cordova High School and the other at California Lutheran University. The Everett Thoreson Endowed Scholarship at CLU is designed for students, preferably Lutheran students, who are majoring in athletic training (at CLU, this is a popular major formally called exercise science and sports medicine).