The Evan T. Carthen ASCLUG Leadership Scholarship

In 2009, the Associated Students of California Lutheran University (ASCLU) Executive Cabinet gifted $10,000 on behalf of the student body toward an endowed scholarship intended to further on-campus leadership amoung traditional undergraduate students. The group chose to give a sizable gift as a token of their appreciation for the many ways CLU students are involved in the life and leadership of the campus. Further, it was their hope that through this gift back to the University they would model and perpetuate further student giving to Cal Lutheran. Applicants must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior student who has shown strong leadership potential.

The Evan T. Carthen ASCLUG Leadership Scholarship
Supplemental Questions
  1. Tell us a little about yourself. (ie. What makes you unique? What are you passionate about?)
  2. Please submit an essay of no more than 500 words discussing a recent leadership experience. Briefly outline the situation and then describe your role, how you were effective, what you learned, and how you might apply it in the future.
  3. I hereby grant consent for Cal Lutheran to disclose my academic, financial, and personal information from this application to the review committee, which may include communications between multiple administrative offices and outside entities as required for the purpose of selecting and awarding this private scholarship.